Montag, 26. Juli 2010

Cameron Highlands, Penang and Langkawi

As time is running short in Bangkok and there are more exciting things to do then sitting in an internet cafe I will keep this passage very short.

Cameron Highlands were nice to visit, but I didn't stay more than one day. U can do some day tours, but we (I traveled with a Dutch girl, Elske, at that time) decided to do just half a day trip and then relaxing in the afternoon, before going to bed early (I still needed recovery from the Perhentian Islands at that time). After Cameron Highlands we made our way to Penang. Very nice city with a colonial charm. Also much to see and good food. We rented a scooter for two days...made a trip around the whole Island. I just can recommend that! We had an amazing time, though I never had driven a manual scooter before and the people from the shop where we rented them seemed very happy when we came back in one piece.

With the scooter we had big city traffic feeling in Georgetown and went to some amazing places in Penang, where there were no tourists at all (waterfalls with local children playing, fishing towns,..).

In the hostel we met some nice other people, we went out with the second night. The day before we had found a very nice bar (B@92), with a very nice Serbian owner and locals drinking Johnny Walker...when we got there the second day Aleks (owner) was just about to close at 1 am...but he reopened for us and we statyed and had some crazy conversations to 4am.

The next day I went to it is low season, there were not so many people. The Island is nice (also rented a scooter for one day), and I saw an amazing sun set...but never the couldn't really match up with the Perhentians.

On Monday I had to leave Langkawi to get my flight in Krabi...I left early in the morning and just arrived 1h before departure (was quite stressy).

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